Author: Helper
Display User ID in WordPress
WP get menu ID by name and update nav menu
Warning: Attempt to read property “post_parent” on null in shop page WooCommerce
Warning: Attempt to read property “post_parent” This warning may occur when no products have been created. Create at least one product in
Disable element selection when clicking on it
How to disable element selection when clicking on it with CSS
Use CSS to make a element not clickable
CSS code JavaScript code
JavaScript Events
Onabort – Triggers on an abort eventonafterprint – Triggers after the document is printedonbeforeonload – Triggers before the document loadsonbeforeprint – Triggers
How do I check if is page template in WordPress
Prevent form resubmission when page is refreshed – JS
How to add options to the WordPress Customizer – Site Identity
The name of the section is title_tagline. If you paste the code below in functions.php file you will create a new option